NAR President Ventures West of Mississippi, Discovers Thriving Rocket Club

Jack Hagerty, LUNAR #0002

Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, John C. Fremont, John Wesley Powell. To this pantheon of explorers of the American West, we can now add Arthur H. Barber III.

Captain Barber, known as “Trip” to his 10,000 or so close friends in the model rocket hobby, ventured into the uncharted wilderness of the west coast (which starts somewhere around St. Louis according to NAR HQ) and braved the elements of a raw central California winter to meet with a tribe of the natives he came across in the Area of the Bay of San Francisco. On February 20, 2010, with temperatures plunging into the mid 60’s, Captain Barber held counsel with this tribe of moon-worshipers which call themselves “LUNAR.”

Surprised that they spoke the universal technical language of “nerd,” Barber had no problem communicating during the two hours of the ceremonial feast. He sampled the strange native dishes called “chimichanga” and “chili relleno” and declared them to be “acceptable.”

Finally, to show the depth of his commitment to these strange, but somehow familiar people, he donned some of the native dress, including a special tunic that had been made especially for him.

Waiving a sincere farewell to this isolated people, he promised to report of their existence to the Great White Father in Marion. In exchange, they must consider something called NARCON.

It is clear that history was made this day.

(There are more pictures of this historic event on the club gallery:

This one is actually true.