In This Issue

Note From the Editor

The Range Head

Taking a Flyer: D Dual Egg Loft Duration and a Big Bertha

August Launch Picture

The Model Rocket Didgeridoo

Results of “Morning After 42”

Picture from "Morning After 42"

Postscript, or the Morning After the Morning After

DisneyRocket.jpg (34135 bytes)Disneyland, May '00.  Photo by Tom Hail.

Note From the Editor

Tom Hail, LUNAR #440

Hi all. I apologize for the delay in getting this issue out. Life sometimes gets in the way of plans.

I continue to try to plan and it is time to be calling for articles for the next issue of course. So send them in and now that I am back on track, maybe the Nov/Dec issue will get on close to “on time”. Remember kids, free gold card (no waiting in line!) if you send me an article! I haven’t had one for awhile. Another type of article we could use are plans. I know there are unique designs out there that could be published first here in LUNAR’clips.

This issue has a lot about the August contest launch, my daughter and I participated and had a good time. I think we could have a lot of fun if we had more of them, even unofficial ones internal to the club. Something to think about!


LUNAR Meeting November 15

7:30 p.m. - 9:30 pm, Carnegie Building in Carnegie Park between 3rd & 4th Streets in Livermore. Planning meeting for the year 2001 activities.

Next LUNAR Launch October 22

4 pm. - 10 pm at Robertson Park: This is the second night launch for the year. Considering how late this newsletter is, I hope you have night ready rockets. Remember, the LCO has to be able to see the rocket’s lights on the pad before he launches.
