Pipsqueak-1 Contest Results

From Carl Reisinger, LUNAR #643

1/4A Streamer Duration was our most popular event with seventeen of the twenty flights.

The results are:

    Division A:

        1st Paul Saunders 240 pts.

        2nd Joshum Marcum 144 pts.

        3rd Katie Stanford 96 pts.

    Division C:

        1st Brett Buck 240 pts

        2nd Alan Marcum 144 pts.

        3rd Terry Swift 96 pts.

        4th Carl Reisinger 48 pts.

        Geoff Stanford received 24 flight points.


1/4A Parachute Duration had two entries, the minimum needed for an official


The results:

    Division C:

        1st Brett Buck 220 pts.

        2nd Carl Reisinger 132 pts.


The points awarded per section are:

BayNAR 736


This puts BayNAR about 24th and LUNAR 26th out of 30 sections with contest points.



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