Expanding OUR Horizons!

by Ron Baskett, LUNAR #188

Female Volunteers Needed!
Saturday, March 2nd, all-day at PacBell, San Ramon.

We need volunteers to represent LUNAR at the Expanding Your Horizons career fair for middle- and high-school aged girls. We need 2-3 teenagers or adults (women preferred) to talk about the hobby of amateur rocketry and to hand out LUNAR club information. Contact Ron Baskett by phone at 462-2197 (home) 423-6731 (work), or e-mail at baskett@llnl.gov, to volunteer.

Rosemary Walling, rwalling.llnl.gov, coordinator for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory co-sponsored EYH workshop, requested participation from LUNAR at their March 2nd workshop. Rosemary initially contacted Lynn Kissel, who asked if Marissa Baskett (LUNAR #229) and I were interested. This is a great opportunity to present our activities to a group which is under represented in our club.

Copyright © 1996 by LUNAR, All rights reserved.

Information date: Feb. 8, 1996 lk